Saturday, March 31, 2012

Large Update

Well, its been a busy few days, but I have some new stuff to go over.

Today, I drove up to Rochester to get a new graphics card to replace that radeon on that stopped working correctly.  I got a GTX 260 for a very good price.

So this card is a beast: it is much more powerful than those other two cards I had been using before.  Also, i got it basically for a steal off a guy who was moving and didn't want it anymore.  Anyways, this will allow me to more easily move around parts, because I know everything works correctly now.  I'll have to see if I can return that 4830 to Microcenter when I go to Boston in a few weeks.  

Also, I started my acrylic test with a scrap piece of acrylic Mr. Sauve gave me:

On a shelf next to my computers. (Yes, that is a SNES package in the background...)

So, I will let this piece sit for a while, probably two weeks, then see if there are any defects in the acrylic, like softness, small cracks, or anything else.  I really don't know what will happen, mainly because this acrylic is on the thin side.  Most of the thing's I've read have said it should work fine, but I don't know about this particular kind of acrylic.  

Next step for me: keep working on my tank design, and start thinking about actually how I'm going to cut the acrylic piece and put this thing together.

Until next time...


  1. Hey, glad to see another diy oil pc in progress! I built my first one a few months ago at , haven't updated the blog for a while though. I'm working on another design and hope to be cutting acrylic and submerging stuff in the weeks to come. It really is a lot of fun :)

    Best of luck,

    1. Samuel, Thanks for the feedback. I checked out your build, and it looks like you've got quite the system in the works. I really liked how the stand looks. I have one question though: what did you use to seal the pieces of acrylic together? I noticed you had some leakage problems and was wondering if you've found a way around that.


    2. I used 'IPS Weld-On 16' , still working on my first 5oz tube. I can't stress enough how important leak testing is, after the first leak I ran a bead of the glue along each seam and that sealed it up pretty good, something that I'll be sure to do on my next one. It's too big of a pain to empty out and patch leaks, so it's better to just go overboard with glue the first time and make sure that there is no possible way it could leak.

      Also, DO NOT USE plain brass fittings like I did in the last update... the acrylic glue won't bind to it so it is very tricky to seal properly. I still have a very slow leak from them... had I used plastic I don't think it would have been an issue.

      One thing I did not do correctly was plumb in a drain valve. Draining out the oil without a drain valve is a tricky and messy business...
