Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rev. 2 - More detailed CAD model

Well, I spent some time working on rev 2 of my case design.  I am pretty sure I want to build this design, as I think it will look great and function really well.  anyways, here it is:

So the main part of the case will be a fairly simple box shape, with some rails for feet on the bottom of the tank.   I've made the tank as small as I could, in order to minimize the volume of oil I would need to buy.  This tank should hold around 6 or 7 gallons when its full.

While I was working, I realized that there were probably some better part files I could get off the interwebs to use in my design.  I found the radiator, in the foreground, as well as the attached fans, and the black pump sitting on the floor of the case.

I met with Mr Sauve today, we went over the mid marking period assessment, and we both felt like I was in a good position.  We also started talking about my presentation, for which I would like to bring in the finished product to show off.  Transporting this thing however, will not be easy, but it would be worth it to have as a prop for my presentation.

So in the coming days, I plan to order acrylic sheets and actually get building this beast.  I found a company that will cut acrylic whatever size you want, and whatever thickness you want.

I'm really excited to get this thing off the proverbial ground.


  1. This is a great 3 D graphic, but it isn't clear to me in which part of this the computer will be. Is it the black box in the back part of this?

    1. the main components of the computer are the light blue rectangular piece, and the green piece. the gray and orange piece in the foreground is a radiator for cooling the oil. The tank I am building will be acrylic, and it the transparent/smoke colored piece. I guess I should've put some sort of key on the image.
