Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So today I conducted an interview for more information about oil-cooled computers.  I interviewed Casey Dill, who built one about a month ago.  He offered me many tips and tricks, including advice about 'oil wick'.  Basically, oil wick occurs when cables run from outside the enclosure directly into the oil: the oil tends to pull itself up the cables, which can create a mess on the outside of the case.  He also gave me a piece of advice that may complicate my project.  He said his computer heats up to the point where it needs to be turned off after about 4 hours.  This is fine for him because he uses it as a home theater computer for watching Netflix and movies on his TV.  He recommends that I get a radiator and pump to help cool the oil, especially if I plan to use more powerful hardware than what he used, or if I plan on running an overclock, which I kind of want to, but have yet to finally decide.  One other issue he brought up is that the computer basically becomes unmovable once it's filled with oil, as it is very easy to spill.  He actually filled the tank on a coffee table right next to where it would eventually come to stay.

Anyways, I now have a lot more information about the challenges I can expect to face, and what kind of parts I will need to look at purchasing.

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