Monday, March 5, 2012

Initial Case Design

Last Friday, I met with Mr. Sauve.  I showed him the design I had come up with so far...

I was thinking something like this, rounded corners, and not much bigger than the hardware that would  be going inside of it.  The blue part is the motherboard, and the grey box is the power supply.  However, Mr. Sauve had his doubts about my initial take on a case.

1).  He was concerned about the curves on the corners.  Bending the acrylic would be quite challenging and maybe even not doable, we would have to try a piece to find out.

2).  He reminded me that the acrylic comes in sheets, so I would need to make a design that could be built out of individual sheets of acrylic.

3).  He was also concerned about the effects mineral oil would have on acrylic.

Over the weekend, I spent some time researching the effects mineral oil had on acrylic, and I haven't really gotten anywhere.  I've seen a few sources saying that there have been no effects at all, and others saying I may have some issues.  However, there is only one way to know for sure, build a test box and just try it with some mineral oil.

On a different, more exciting note, I may have an opportunity to trade motherboards for a higher-end one.  We'll see how that turns out in a few days (fingers crossed...)

1 comment:

  1. Are there going to be any LEDs on the case? It has been scientificlly shown (not really) that case LEDs make the computer run faster and be more awesome.
    You may want to just test the acrylic with mineral oil before making the case design.
    So I want some details on this motherboard!
